We had a quiet Easter at home this year…I missed my family and the sand dunes but enjoyed the time spent with my kiddos and hubby. Saturday night before the girls went to bed we had a long debate whether or not the Easter Bunny is a girl or boy, big or small. Jauncee was convinced he was a boy because of the vest he wears when she sees them at the store as toys. I thought that was quite a thought. We also talked about Easter and why it is special and celebrated. I think it was a little difficult for them to fully understand it all but at least they know it is about our Savior and NOT the Easter Bunny. I also gave them strict instructions to stay in their room until we were all awake. They didn’t seem to like that rule!
Early Sunday morning I could hear them stirring around, I think they were both trying to wake us all up. Shish…you would have thought it was Christmas!
Easter candy, Easter candy
Hidden all around
Baskets full all fun and dandy
All waiting to be found!
I don’t know how I did it…but for some reason I did! I forgot to take a picture of them all dressed up for Church in their Easter attire! I assure you they all looked so cute, handsome and lovable!
After church and a short cat nap, we decided to go for a walk and enjoy the nice day.
Clay in his new stroller which he seems to really like, so does his momma.
We helped Jes feed her steer.
Why the sad face Jauncee?Mad at something...someone always is it seems.
Oh no! All the grain spilled.
Happy again =)
On Friday we went to The Hatch’s and spent the afternoon coloring Easter eggs, I think everyone had a great time. Once they were all colored we took the kids up the road a ways and had an Easter egg hunt. We must have been too good of hiders because we couldn’t find all of them.
I am so grateful for this time of year, for new beginnings are in the air. Easter brings the gift of hope, peace and love. I have been so blessed with such a great husband and beautiful children which I adore, good health and happiness. I love the gospel and am so grateful it is apart of my life. Many blessings surround us…each one counted…and enjoyed.