Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Beginning !
So I finally did it!! After several months of contemplating whether or not I want my life public on the web, I have decided that it was time for me and my girls to enjoy the blogging conversation. In my head I have a really cute blog. When I take pictures or we do things I think, "This is totally how I would put it in a blog." So now it is time to really start my own. I hope this to be a good way to keep a record of my family and be somewhat of a journal for us. My time just does not allow me to scrapbook like I would like to, so hopefully this can help with that. Many of you have been very inspiring to me through your blogs, and I hope that I can be as well. So here goes. I don't really know what I am doing, but I guess I will get it figured out soon enough.

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