Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas Cheer

We celebrated Christmas early this year since the girls were going to be gone spending the holiday in Utah with their dads. We started the celebration Tuesday night with a roasted brisket for dinner. Grandpa and Grandma Johnson joined us for the occasion.

Our beautiful Christmas tree!

My little present wrapping helper…Clay had so much fun playing with the bows!

And the girls had fun teasing him! The perfect gift…our sweet little baby! Who could want for more?

Grandpa and Grandma Johnson joined us for the occasion. The girls were so excited and from Sunday on they kept begging me to open “just one” present! Alas Tuesday night arrived and dinner was over so naturally it was time to get down to business and open us up some presents!

Chore clothes, what fun! They also both got a pair of new boots, each one got a sledding tube, pajamas, a cute outfit, a Barbie and salon supplies.

My two favorite boys, I love these two! My sweetheart wouldn’t look at the camera for anything that night!

Clay had fun playing in the trash!

Our sweet girls in their new pajamas, one doesn’t look very happy, any guesses why! Her jammies didn’t come with the eye patch or whatever it’s called. The girls already have a few and Jeslyn, she actually uses hers and Jauncee, well they end up falling behind the bed because they never get used so I really didn’t think she would mind, guess I was wrong. She did get over it quick though

Winding down after all of the excitement! It was a fun evening. I tried my best to make it special for everyone, sometimes as a mother and wife you never know if you succeed in doing that or not.


That next day after school the girls, Clay and I traveled to Utah. We spent that night in Holden with papa and grandma. When we first got there the power was out and had been for quite sometime. We all enjoyed a bowl of homemade Chili by candlelight. Eventually the power came on and we celebrated! First, Jauncee’s birthday and then Christmas!

I love her present opening position! She was getting all into it! Funny girl!

Both modeling their new snuggies from papa and grandma! Something they both wanted really bad!

They also got a huge Barbie Dream House! They were excited!


Christmas was really quiet at our house. Dirk moved cattle and I missed the girls! It was my first Christmas away from them and I sure missed their sweet faces. I did get to talk them both that morning and hear all about what Santa had brought them. They are both sweethearts and I am just glad that they are finally home where they belong!

1 comment:

The Wasek Family said...

Such cute kids!! I can't believe how big Clay has gotten. What a cutie!