Tuesday, November 5, 2013

September Ramblings

The days are getting shorter, the nights longer and the mornings crisper...sounds like SePtEmBeR!
It is amazing how a summer can blow by and the next thing you are into fall.
 September does tell us something: change is in the air. The seasons are shifting, and while it happens every year, this year it feels more weighted for me...like there is more significance to it all. I haven't figured it out yet, but I do know I want to take in every single moment of it; to be truly present and not just marking days off the calendar. Here's what I am challenging myself to focus on: cheer, spending time with others, spending time together, enjoying the season, no matter what season it is, and being grateful!

I have had a serious problem with not blogging regularly, I guess you could say that I have had a self-induced "blog-coma".
Life is busy...no matter how you shake it or cut it, but I've always told myself someday I will be so grateful that I took the time to journal about real-life moments...now I just need to do it in real time! Lately the days slip by into weeks, and I keep taking pictures and writing down thoughts for the someday post that keeps getting pushed off until I get so far into the coma that I lose my inspiration to write! And now, I have a whole 2 months to catch up on! Good thing September wasn't too busy!

I promise not to ramble on too long, instead, I will share a few photos of my little-loves taken in September!

Clay is such a GOOD BIG BROTHER and his love for books keeps Dakota entertained.

Not only is he obsessed with books, but also cowboys! This boy is too funny...whatever he is doing, he has to be wearing the appropriate attire! He will literally change his clothes 5-6 times a day, sometimes for only 5-10 minutes at time. Just long enough to play the part to what it is he is playing with.To be honest, this pains me! It drives me absolutely INSANE! I finally quite helping him get dressed, which turned out to be a good thing. He can do it all on his own, buttons...belt...and all! I just love him to pieces!!

He is also obsessed with horses, including buckin' broncs...which he informs me he is going to ride when he gets big!
He says the funniest things! I need to be better at writing them down.
The other night I was putting him to bed and he said "Momma, when I get big I want to grow a beard like a man! I want a mustache here and a mustache here ."(pointing to several spots on his face) It caught me off guard, but was really funny at the time. 
I hope that day that he is a man with a beard...isn't for a very long time!

Dakota wasn't so sure what to think of ole Pinto Bean.

It wouldn't be September without bottling!

And homework!

This little boy was once the cleanest little eater you ever saw! What happened???

And this little munchkin...she LOVES to eat. She has been introduced to a variety of new foods and spices. And I just love her marshmallow self! She is just too cute and sweet.

September brought out all the fall and Halloween decor.
Look what somebody found!

What a scary tiger! 

Dakota also turned SEVEN months old. How is that possible?
The number blows my mind. You are so little and at the same time so grown.
This last month has been amazing...but they all are and everyone that passes seems to be my new favorite.
I know the rest of the year will be full of milestones. So instead of worrying about doing everything "right". I want to enjoy the experience because I realize how quickly it passes.
Crawling, pulling up and first words are right around the corner.
In anticipation of her first words, I talk to her as much as possible, telling her words often.

  We all love you more and more every single day! You have blessed our lives and made each of us better.

Here's to Fall and her cozy, glowy ways...one of my favorite seasons...I am ready for the change!
No promises, but I will try my hardest to not let the slower pace of fall cause another blog-coma!


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