Monday, March 10, 2014


I must have forgot to "publish" this post!

V-Day has came and went and by the look of my beautiful flowers from my hubby, the holiday is now dead and gone until next year. I love Valentine's Day! But really, do we need a holiday to remember to show the ones we love how much we love them? I sure hope not. 

The girls both had V-Day parties at school and each had to take a "valentine" to their classmates. This year we opted to make them instead of buying the box. Here in our local small town we didn't have many options: Disney Princess, Sponge Bob, Spider Man, Hello Kitty...none of these relate to my kiddos in any way. So we improvised and utilized the internet and copied someone else's creativity. Thank you Google!

Jeslyn also had to make a Valentine Box. She was very creative and made the cutest little puppy ever. But it took FOREVER and was a lot of work! She did get voted Most Creative! For her treats she took a Squeeze It with a bag of kisses tied to it saying: Kisses and Squeezes! Happy Valentines Day! From Jeslyn. They turned out super cute and were a big hit.

Jauncee took little cereal boxes and a plastic soon tied to them with ribbon. Her note said: I Cearealously Want You to be my Valentine! From Jauncee. They were super cute and were also a favorite in the class.

With Valentines falling on a Friday, Dirk and I were able to go on a date. It was nice to spend time together alone, and the best part...a nice elderly couple paid for our meal! It can't get any better than that.

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