Wednesday, January 7, 2009


The Eve of Christmas Eve! I have tried to carry on a tradition that my mother did for us kids growing up on Christmas Eve we all got to open up one gift - the one from our parents - and it was always the same thing from year to year, I don't know about my siblings, but I sure looked forward to them all year, every year - PAJAMAS! I do the same thing for my girls except that they haven't figured out that it is the same from year to year they always seem to wonder what is in the present from mom under the tree. The only difference this year was we had to do it a day early and they got to open up one other present.

The girls in their new pajamas!

Modeling their princess attire! - Thanks Grandma Bonnie

Which one do you think rules the roost?




Of Course, we all know!

and finally. . .CHRISTMAS!

What a wonderful time Christmas is – I just love it! I got kind of a late start on it with the sale in Las Vegas, but I learned never to procrastinate until the last few shopping days, or you will pay! Nonetheless I got everything accomplished that I needed too including buying myself a “new to me” car! – YEAH! My girls spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with their dads and I spent the time with my family – I really enjoyed being all together as a family; I wished my girls could have bee their. It was fun watching my nephews and niece open their presents, they were so excited. Later that afternoon we all met back up at my Grandma Turner’s in Kanosh for a delicious dinner, where my girls joined us. My mom is a wonderful cook, the only one better than her I believe is my Grandmother! It is always a treat when you get invited to eat at her house. Later that evening we headed back to our little patch of heaven to see if by some chance a visitor had come the night before, sure enough SANTA had come! After the chaos of opening presents once again, we all snuggled up together and watched a Christmas movie. A perfect end to a perfect day!

The next day we went to Grandmas. Max was so cute and funny he was brushing Jeslyn's hair while she was watching tv. That little man has the cutest little personality ever! We all love him so much and are going to miss him when they move.

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy & Prosperous New Year!
Lots of Love!

1 comment:

Warren said...

Very nice Marnie! you put mine to shame. I should start a family one too. Beautiful pics...just not enough of YOU! lol you have a beautiful family ;) - Warren