Friday, May 29, 2009

Jauncee - Preschool Graduation

Jauncee—my mini me, turned 4 in December and almost to the day; she became a little girl one who was ready to turn her imagination into real life experiences. I decided to enroll her in a private preschool owned and operated by Christy Cummings. She attended every Tuesday and Thursday and loved it to say the least! Jauncee’s little personality seemed to start developing overnight. She would always come home singing a new tune, her favorite – Where Is Pinky? At the end of the year, Jauncee could even spell her name! I am so proud of the progress that Jauncee has made over the last 5 months, it is somewhat bittersweet because she is my baby and I hate that she is growing up! Jauncee is such an angelic little spirit she truly touches the lives of all those she comes in contact with.

Jauncee with her teacher Miss Christy.

Checking out all her stuff

Getting her diploma, she ran so fast I barely got a picture!

Singing songs they learned throughout the year! Jauncee is quite a ham, I wish I had a video camera--she is too cute, so were all the others kids as well. This is definitely a fun age!

Waiting patiently for the program to start!


We signed Jauncee up for 2009-2010 preschool through the school district, due to the ever changing economy they had to cut back from 3 teachers down to 2, so not every kid who signed up gets to go. Well, Jauncee wasn't among the the kids who were selected. . .but we are excited about getting to participate in Miss Christy's Preschool for this upcoming year. It will be a real good thing and a familiar face.

The Report Card. . .

Not sure if you can read it but she did very well. She is a little smarty pants, sometimes too smart for her own good. I wonder where she gets that from?

I am so proud of you Jes, you were such a great student you always did your homework on your own and I love listening to you read to me in the mornings while I am doing your hair. I hope we can contiue that tradition. Let's enjoy our summer together! Love you tons!

School Program - Around the World

It is tradition for the Elementary School to hold an annual program which every grade participates in. This is always a fun program to watch, but one must be aware that seating is limited, I am not sure how soon prior to the event parents start saving seats but it appears weeks. A big thanks to Grandma Diane for thinking about me and the girls and how I am so not a planner . . . saving seats was the last thing on my mind! We had awesome seating, to say the least! Jeslyn is in the 1st Grade, she got to dance with a little boy named Aiden, she wasn’t excited at first but in the end it turned out to be a good thing. The program is short and sweet and the kids all appear to have a grand time. A lot of time and effort goes into preparing for this program. The teachers all do such a great job.

Pictures before the program, I am so glad they are such great friends!

Jeslyn is on the secnd row from the top, the third child over that is sitting down!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a party in Jeslyn’s class. It was a party honoring 4 mothers who had volunteered their time this past year. Each of the kids made us a Thank You Card and together they sang us a song! I am very grateful for the opportunity given to me to spend every Monday for 2 hours helping the students with the daily 5 which consisted of spelling, writing, listening library, reading to self & reading to someone. I enjoyed getting to know each of the kids in the classroom; they all have such cute personalities. Miss Weight is such a great teacher; Jeslyn is sure going to miss her! I look forward to volunteering my time again next year!

Here are a couple of the cute cards I received.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I would like to wish my sister Ginger, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and tell her that we all love her so much and miss her tremendously! We hope your birthday is merry and bright. We are looking forward to getting to see you and yours really soon! Make it a great birthday and know we all love you!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Primary Talk

A couple of Sundays ago, Jeslyn volunteered to give a talk in Primary, she did such an awesome job. I am so proud of her. The theme for May is “Baptism and confirmation are ordinances that bless my family”

Her talk…

Baptism and confirmation blesses my family in many ways. Each person in my family has the chance to follow Jesus’ example and be baptized. This special event washes away all of our sins and makes it possible for us to continue to repent so that we can live with Heavenly Father again.

When we re confirmed a member of Heavenly Father’s church here on the earth we promise to serve him and keep His commandments. He gives us the Holy Ghost to guide us here and help us know and do what is right. One of the most special blessings is that we will never be alone because the Holy Ghost will always be with us if we listen to Him and do what is right.

I will be baptized in August. I can hardly wait to be a member of Heavenly Father’s church and to have the Holy Ghost to guide me. It makes me happy to follow Jesus’ example and I will also be setting a good example for others to follow. My family will be blessed by my choice to be baptized.

Friday, May 8, 2009


As Sunday is quickly approaching, I feel inclined to take a minute and pay tribute to all of the “Great Moms” in my life. You all are an inspiration to me as a mother.

I would like to start with my daddy’s mother – Grandma Bonnie.
What a special lady you are. You are so caring and loving; one of the most fun people to be around. Everyone loves you, old and young. You have this beautiful charisma about you that seems to linger on and on! You are so active, very witty and fun. One of the hardest workers I know. I have many fond memories of my childhood spending time with you helping in the yard and in the house. I love being in your presence, you know how to make people feel loved and good about themselves. I am not sure how you do it but you have a way of taking something not so great and making it bloom like a rose. You have been blessed with so many talents, I don’t know of one thing that you can’t do and do well! Grandma Bonnie you are truly an amazing woman, and such a great mother! I feel so blessed to have been able to grow up next to you and have you apart of my life and my daughters’ lives. We are so lucky. Em is very lucky to have you as well! I love you grandma!

Grandma Turner, my mom’s mom.
Oh how I love you, you are a very special lady. You are probably the most sincere and genuine person I have met. You have such a tender way about you. I don’t think I have ever heard you say one cross word. I admire your spirituality and love for the gospel. You truly are an example to all those around you. I remember spending weekends with you and when it came time to go home, my heart would hurt. You are such a great mom and grandma not to just your own but also to all those around you. Thank you for your ongoing love and support in all that I do. I feel so blessed to have you in our lives. I admire you and look up to you in many ways. Thank you for being such a great person and for raising such a great daughter. We love you Grandma!

Ahhhh, My Mom/Grandma Jill.
I am not even sure if there are words to describe you. You have been and always will be one of the most important people in my life. I love you so much; my heart is so full with gratitude for you. You truly are a daughter of God, you represent all things heavenly. You possess so many wonderful qualities; you truly are unique in every way. You have always and still do put all of us kids first before your needs and it never has seemed to bother you. You taught us to work hard and to be proud of who we are and to love one another unconditionally. I admire you in every way; I hope that I can be as good as a wife, mother, grandmother and friend as you are. You must know that you are the glue that holds the family together, without you our family wouldn’t be. Always be proud of that and always know that you are loved and appreciated beyond measure. I love you so much mom!

My sweet sister – Ginger
Wow! You impress me. I have looked up to you all of my life, with love and admiration. I am so proud to say that you are my sister! You have such an amazing family, I envy that, but in a good way because you deserve it. You have turned out to be the best little mom. Max is so lucky to have you. What a special little boy he is and it’s from all of that love you have for him. You are such a beautiful and smart young woman, blessed with so many talents. All of us here love you and miss you. I want you to know that your friendship is so important to me. I think about you and your little family daily. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Happy Mother’s Day Ginger, I love you so much!

Connie Gillins and Diane Mundy, my girls’ grandmas.
It just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t write a little about the both of you. Thank you for the great example that you both set for me and my girls and for being so kind to me. I am blessed to say that I consider you both important people in my life. You truly have been great friends and have always shown me love and support. More importantly you both love my daughters and treat them equally. I can’t tell you how much that means to me as a mom. We are all very lucky to have you both a part of our lives. We love you, Happy Mother’s Day.

And last but not least, I would like to tell my two beautiful angels, Jeslyn and Jauncee how much I love and adore them. The best thing in the world is the opportunity that I have been given to be your mother. I will always love and support you in all that you do. My heart is with you in all things and in all ways. I hope that I can be the best mom that I can be to the both of you and give you what you need. I promise to always love you unconditionally. Thank you for making my job as a mother the best ever! I love you both so much forever and always!