Friday, May 29, 2009

School Program - Around the World

It is tradition for the Elementary School to hold an annual program which every grade participates in. This is always a fun program to watch, but one must be aware that seating is limited, I am not sure how soon prior to the event parents start saving seats but it appears weeks. A big thanks to Grandma Diane for thinking about me and the girls and how I am so not a planner . . . saving seats was the last thing on my mind! We had awesome seating, to say the least! Jeslyn is in the 1st Grade, she got to dance with a little boy named Aiden, she wasn’t excited at first but in the end it turned out to be a good thing. The program is short and sweet and the kids all appear to have a grand time. A lot of time and effort goes into preparing for this program. The teachers all do such a great job.

Pictures before the program, I am so glad they are such great friends!

Jeslyn is on the secnd row from the top, the third child over that is sitting down!

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