Thursday, June 25, 2009


WOW! How time flies when you're having fun. I can't believe that the 4th of July is almost here already. Where did the time go? At least we have been enjoying the summer. Here is what we have been up to the past month.

Jeslyn, Dirk and I had the opportunity go for a ride up Wide Canyon to the Green Canyon trough it was so beautiful and green. Jeslyn has been begging to go riding for weeks. Thanks for being such a good sport Dirk and entertaining her request, because I couldn't have taken her alone. Even though the little stink complained the entire way up - sorry about that! GiRlS! What more can I say? Jeslyn actually had a really good time and did awesome on the way back down with no complaints! We did see a little baby rattle snake on the way back, Momma screamed of course and scared it off! It was a beautiful ride with 2 of my 3 most favorite people. I love you guys!

Jeslyn signed up to play coach pitch softball, but they didn't end up having enough teams to play so they took all the girls who signed up and practiced with them together it was kind of like a clinic per say, then the following day they had a game and divided the girls into 2 teams. It was really fun for all of them. They did this for about 5 weeks, and by the end, wow, all of the girls had really improved! Jeslyn always volunteered to play catch, I am not sure why, because she could hardly move in all of the gear but she liked it. I am proud of Jes, I didn't realize she is as competitive with herself as she is. One game she struggled hitting the ball and when she had to use the T, she was mad then got herself out on 1st base, went in the dugout and through her helmet and started crying - I was mortified! If I could have made myself invisible I would have! Judd gave her a good pep talk and mom, well she scolded her in the car on the way home. Happy to say it did't happen again!
By the last game Jeslyn was hitting the ball very well which boosted her confidence immensely. I am glad Jes had the opportunity to play and for the parents who volunteered their time to help these girls.


The kids all took swim lessons for two weeks, my girls both love to swim and are actually really great swimmers! Brooks, this was his first time but did very well and I thinked he liked it.

Ahh! My sweet Jes!

Then there's my little love Jaunc!

How could you not love this little guy, he is so kissable!


I love that my girls are such great buddies! I find them more often than not "Nuggling" one another! It melts my heart. I love these 2, they sure make life worth living!

And finally . . .

This is Jauncee showing off her coney pine that she found at the park. She has been packing this around now for about 3 - 4 days. When she first found it she thought she had found a coconut. Funny girl!

This is Jeslyn showing off her bean plant that actually has 2 beans on it. But for some reason she won't let me plant it, so for now we are doing our best to keep it alive in the papercup. Silly girl!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Wow you girls have been very busy. You are a great blogger. Dirk looks/sounds like a great guy and your horseback ride looks so fun. I am so exicted to see you all in a few more days!