Thursday, April 15, 2010


My girls are always up to something creative! Every once in awhile they complain about being bored, but it usually doesn’t take long for them to come up with something fun! Not long ago (shortly after moving) we were in this dreaded slump or at least I was, maybe it was a pregnancy thing, but my kids were watching way too much TV! I vowed to be better to make a difference and to challenge my girls to use their imaginations and I am proud to say in over a month they haven’t watched 1 full hour of television! WAHOO! I rarely remember watching TV when I was young; we were too busy having fun. It amazes me how much a center point the TV can become and how easy it is to fall into that bad habit of television! Life is too short to let it pass you by!

Our dog "JUKE" it was raining and Jauncee felt bad for him so she let him in for a spell, she was so entertained...he even let her dress him up!

Having some play dough fun!

The stache machine at the grocery store...this time they remembered their quarters! Poor little Jauncee bought some as well and put them on first thing and then tried to get then was 5 year old experienced her first eyebrow wax!

Enjoying some playroom fun!

My 2 little gypsies!

I love my 2 girls, they are the best and I love them both so much! I can’t imagine life without them!

On a side note, I have soo much to post and can't believe how far behind one can get! I guess you could say we have had way too much fun! I have been in debate about how to really long post or short but sweet individual posts. I guess I am going to opt for the later, but try to keep them in order of happenings!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE! You girls have been having some fun! We miss you sooooo much!