Friday, November 12, 2010

Our Lil Spookers!

The girls were excitedly waiting for Halloween since the first day of autumn. We always decorate the house for fall to carry us through Thanksgiving. While we were hunting for all the fall decorations the girls came across the Halloween tote and couldn’t resist in bringing it out. They were entertained for hours-trying on every costume whether it fit or not. I was the mean mom this year that made them recycle “old” costumes. (I just don’t believe in spending $30 + dollars every year!) Jauncee changed her mind every other day…for the school parade she was a Bratz Cheerleader which worked out wonderfully because it was a costume that she could wear to school, then she wanted to be a witch and insisted on having a wig…which we found for a buck and lastly, the day of Halloween her final decision was to be Sleeping Beauty…she looked beautiful! Jeslyn wanted to be a Princess Vampire and never once changed her mind. Of course there were requirements—makeup, wig, teeth. I think she turned out to be ScArY...whatever she is! Our little guy Clay was a monkey! A cute little monkey that kept him nice and warm!

The girls had fun trick or treating and also enjoyed the trunk or treat in Soda that the local Businesses put on. It was a fun but super cold Halloween!

One of the girls took this picture of our dog Juke. I thought it was fitting for Halloween!


Ginger said...

Wow I can't believe how grown up Jauncee looks!! My little nieces are so beautiful and my nephew is so stinking cute. I miss you guys so much. I wish you were all coming out here for Thanksgiving. xoxo!!

The Wasek Family said...

Jauncee looks just like you in her princess outfit! They are both beautiful girls!! Clay is adorable. I can't believe how big he has gotten already!