Friday, April 27, 2012

Spring Time Fun

We have had unseasonable winter and spring this year. It would snow one day and then the next it could be 65 degrees. All of the sunny weather made us have spring fever...even though it was still somewhat cold outside.

Jauncee and Clay found a nice ice patch to skate around on. It was comical watching Clay, every once in awhile he would slip and fall on his behind but he would always get right back up for more. I kind of think he thought Jauncee was pushing him down!

The slide has been a favorite of Clays since last summer. Even before he could walk he could climb up the slide bare-footed and then turn around and slide down. Of course with slippery snowboots on it just wasn't the same.

His snow pants were slick!

With the warmer weather came wagon-rides up the road!

And bike rides!

Looks like someone forgot how to ride!

And of course we can't walk by the tractor without actually pretending to take it for a drive.

Around sale time, we put the girls to work addressing the catalogs!
Neither one wanted their picture taken.

They were both really good help!

Warmer weather also brought our first weenie roast of the season! This was the day of my procedure, so for dinner I wanted to do something easy! One can always get away with a hotdog roast if the weather is warm.

Clay was fascinated with the sticks.

Jauncee, she was in charge of the camera and taking all the pictures to remember the occasion.

James, Dirks brother. He was here helping Dirk set-up for the sale.

Baking Cookies

Always a favorite our house!

The kids have also enjoyed the sunny weather having a picnic!

Aren't they all so cute? I just love them all so much. The girls are such good help with Clay and they never mind including him or being responsible for him if they are outside. Which is quite a job.

With that being said.......

They have to have their fun with him too!

He makes such a pretty princess!

Someone's favorite past time!
Clay boy and the swingset.

This picture is funny! Obviously he just couldn't wait to be dressed all the way...he just had to get outside! Which is true! He would be outside all day every day. Rain, snow or shine, it doesn't matter. I love that he is all boy!

Good thing winter doesn't last forever and spring doesn't skip its turn!
I love spring! It reminds me of new beginnings.

I love that the seasons change, it is a good reminder that in our life we all will go through seasons of emotions and like the winds they rise and fall...but at the end of the day life is what we make it, so own it and be happy!

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