Saturday, February 23, 2013

Catching Up!

The month of January brought on a lot of "nesting!" The girls and I spent quite a few days washing walls and getting prepared for our new bundle of joy. While we worked we listened to music and Clay, he sang back-up!

He is my little song bird and really enjoys singing!

One of the tasks we had to complete was to finally get rid of our pet spider. We had a catface build a home in the corner of the kitchen and after 6 months he was taking over the cookbooks. It was time for him to go! I know it sounds strange to keep a spider...a cat-face spider the corner of your kitchen for months! He was very entertaining and he caught A LOT of flies, bugs and other spiders...he wouldn't save them for later he just ate them whole. He was my science fair projest that I never had to turn in. It was very sad to see him go and tragic at the same time. I am petrified of spiders and I wasn't going to kill him, I couldn't talk Jeslyn into or Clay so Jauncee was the brave one!

We did make sure he got his last meal prior to seeing the vacuum!

Good-bye spidey!
AHHH, my swett little cowboy!

Jauncee enteraining Clay! She really is a great big sister. Always willing to play with him know matter what.

White chocolate fondue and strawberries.

MMM, so good!


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