Monday, July 8, 2013

Growing TOO FAST!

Little Miss is now a whopping 20 weeks old. I seriously can't believe the changes that have taken place in the last couple of months. Everyday she gets bigger, sweeter, stronger, and even louder.  At her 4 month check up she weighed 13 pounds and 10 ounces and was 24 1/2 inches tall.
Dakota has been "talking" up a storm. It's so loud that sometimes you can't hear anything over it. I'm interested to see if that translates to a talkative kid. We may just have a chatterbox on our hands!

Dakota at 3 months!

And Dakota in between....


4 months!

She really is growing up fast...too fast for my liking! I just love, love, love this stage!
 (I say that about every stage)
She grabs toys, and her toes, but really likes admiring her hands. She can put lots of pressure on her leggies, laughs quite a bit, and is getting closer to sitting up by herself. She would amaze you with her rolling skills; everybody tells me she is going to take off crawling soon and I say NOOOO! She is only 4 months, but a determined 4 month old. I don't want that yet. I want her to stay little for a while longer! She is still sleeping through the night and is probably the most pleasant baby I have ever been around. She is just good, all the time!

We all love her so much! 
Dakota, you are such an angel and a blessing to our family. We love you!

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