Tuesday, July 29, 2014

2013-2014 School Year

In addition to the general day to day activities of school, piano, and tumbling, the girls both participated in volleyball and basketball.
 I had the opportunity to help coach Jauncee's volleyball team (luckily I missed out on the team pictures) and Jeslyn's basketball team (not so lucky that day). It was a very good experience, a little difficult at times, but in the end very rewarding.


The girls both did very well in school this year...ending with all straight A's! In addition to good grades, Jeslyn also received an award for reading the most books in her grade for the school year. A whopping total of 31!

I had to add the next pictures for proof as to how much my children...especially the girls are growing. We have an awesome dentist in Soda, we love him! He has a no cavity club and takes your picture and posts it on the wall for all to see. Jeslyn has been in the club 4 consecutive - 6 month visits. Here are the pictures of the previous three - 18 months worth of growth! Jeslyn has grown almost 6+ inches.

Jauncee made the club 3 times. Here is her proof of growth! She is getting super tall!

Grade Pictures!

World Fair!
Jeslyn had to do a 20 page report on Colombia. She also had to make a float and a poster, serve food the represents her country and dress-up in costume. Colombia isn't the most exciting country to research as it has been in turmoil for centuries. Not mention it is ran by drug cartels...nevertheless we she did very well on the project and insisted I could not help in any way.

Jauncee: the queen of selfies!

On the last day of school, the elementary holds a field day. I had the opportunity to help. Jauncee did very well considering she had to compete against 4th graders. She took 1st place in the "Marathon" which is running 1 time around the track. In the Ironman she was the very 1st 3rd rader to cross the finish line. The Ironman consists of running a 1/4 around the track and stopping to do 10 push-ups, then run another 1/4 and stop and do 10 sit-ups, then run another 1/4 of the track and do 10 jumping jacks and then run the last 1/4 to finish the race. She took 5th overall. Jauncee is very fast and a very good athlete.

And now, let's enjoy the summer and not even think about school! 

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