Thursday, November 6, 2014

18 Months

I know, I know! Dakota actually turned 18 months old like 3 months ago. I did however, keep a daily journal writing down my thoughts and all her accomplishments. I try to catch-up chronologically. And I am now to this point!

Dakota Rae - Officially 18 months old! 
Just six months ago we were celebrating your 1st birthday! In those six months so much has changed. You have changed. You are no longer a baby, but a little girl. I didn't think I could love you more, but I do. You warm my heart every day with your smile and laughter. You have such a good heart and spirit.
Your vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds. Words you use frequently: up, help, milk, outside, mommy, daddy, Clay, Jes, Jauncee, water, yes, no, nite-nite, chees, hot, what's that, phone, shoes, Op, dog, horse. You know the animal sounds for a cow, horse, dog, kitty and pig. You LOVE animals! You actually continue to surprise me daily always with a new word. You eagerly bring us books to read, sometimes wanting to read them yourself. I love that I can identify more of your words, particularly the ones that aren't so clear. You are better able to articulate your needs and are understanding so much more.

You sometimes get frustrated when you can't have your way---or we don't understand what you want. I know it can't be easy. We try to do our best. Sometimes we can't give you what you want, and I know that is hard. It's one of those lessons in life we all learn---and struggle with.

I love cuddling in bed with you in the mornings. You sleep in your own bed all night and have done since the beginning, but by morning time, your are ready for snuggles. And so am I!

You enjoy coloring, even on yourself. You love to dance and sing. Somehow you manage to pick up the rhythm and the beat every time. I think you are going to by my musically talented child. I even catch you on occasion singing the alphabet song. It melts my heart.

Your curiosity is endless and sometimes can be fearless, especially when you know I am there. I try to give you the freedom you need to explore and take risks while making sure your are safe. You love being with other children and especially like to follow your brother Clay around. Everything he does, your try to do. Your favorite toys are tractors, trucks and trains. Occasionally you will love on one of your babies, but would prefer a stuffed doggy, monkey or giraffe.

You do things in your own way and in your own time, and have finally started to walk. (a little bit)  I a learning to be okay with this. 

In 18 short months, you have changed my world, and I am so proud of the little girl you are becoming! Everyday you make me smile! I cannot begin to tell you how much you mean to me---how glad I am to have you in our family.

Love you FOREVER,

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