Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The BIG 13!

Wow, it is official! We have a teenager in the house!!!!
The thought makes me feel old. I don't think I'm ready! I can't possibly be that old. I still have some growing up of my own to do. 

Jeslyn is such a joy in our life. From the moment she was born she has put a smile on my face. Heavenly Father blessed my life with a best girl friend, favorite shopping buddy and a light in our home.
I am so proud of Jeslyn and the young woman she is becoming.
I love this girl with ALL my heart.
Happy 13th - JES

To My Sweetest Jeslyn - 
In six short years you will set off in to the crazy mad world, to college. It seems so close. Six years are gone in a blink of an eye! There are so many things you need to know, so many things I want to teach you, and too many things I'm afraid of you learning. I miss you already just thinking about you leaving. It makes me sad to think of you growing up!
You have been with me the longest, and have been the deciding factor in every decision I make. 
Enjoy the little things in life, all too soon they will become big things. Eat cheesecake, dance in the rain, sing out loud and surround yourself with people  who love you. Find what you love and figure out how to get paid for doing it.
Have no regrets!
Never be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone, it OK if it is a little scary. Always treat people how you want them to treat you. You are not better that other people and they are not better that you.
Remember that no matter where you are and what you do, I will always love you. I will always be your biggest fan.

All my love,

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