Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Christmas - Sacrament Program

Our family was asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting for the Christmas Program. This was a huge task! One I was not looking forward to. But I do have to say that we as a family did very well. I am so proud of everyone and their willingness to participate and contribute to the reason behind the season. The program started our with the ward choir performing 2 songs.

Jeslyn was the first speaker, she wrote her talk all by herself.

“The glitter of the season should never… prevent us from truly seeing The Prince of Peace”
 –President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
            To me Jesus Christ isn’t just the Savoir, he guides me, is my best friend, comforts me, and the best thing is that he loves me no matter what! He loves me because I’m a daughter of God that makes mistakes all the time. It’s so amazing to know that he doesn’t judge me and doesn’t care what’s on the outside, he cares about what person I was, am, and will be.
            It’s so cool to know that we make mistakes, but we’ve been able to receive the gift of repentance. I know that he loves every single one of us for our own individual independence, and that we are able to be who we want to be without being judged or forgotten.
            I’m also very grateful for Jesus’s mother Mary, and the wonderful example she is to all women. She someone who was able to live by all the young women values which I try to work on. She was also someone who was brave, kind, generous, and loving. As I get older, Mary is someone who I would like to become throughout my life. 
            We all love the wonderful things about Christmas; especially the fact that we get to dedicate it to the Savoir for everything he did, does, and will do for us.
End with a short testimony!

Next up was Jauncee. She recited a poem.

There once was a shining Christmas tree
Standing out where all could see
Its brilliance captured every eye
And Seemed to cheer each passer-by
“The lights are beautiful,” they’d say,
And hesitate to walk away.
The tree stood proud, ablaze with light,
For each small bulb kept burning bright

Then one bulb was heard to say,
“I’m tired of burning night and day,
I think I’ll just go out and rest,
For I’ too tired to do my best.
Besides, I know I am so small
I doubt I would be missed at all.”

Then on child lovingly touched the light
“Look mother! This one is so bright
Of all the lights upon the tree
This one looks the best to me.”

“Oh my goodness!” said the little light
I almost dimmed right out of sight.
I thought perhaps no one would care
If I failed to shine my share.”

We are all like the Christmas tree,
The shining lights are you and me
Each of us have a space to fill
With love and lessons and good will.
Let’s keep our tree ablaze with lights,
With testimonies burning bright.
For we are a living tree
That lights the way to eternity.

Then it was Mr. Clay's turn. We weren't too sure if he was going to do it or not. He jumped up there like a champ and did a fantastic job. I think he wished it would have been a little bit longer.

Jesus once was a little child, a little child like me; And he was pure and meek and mild, as a little child should be.

There was a musical instrumental number by a few members of the ward and then it was my turn. I was so nervous! 

 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the earth,
Every creature was stirring, awaiting a birth.
The time for Messiah was certainly near,
The prophets foretold it; the Bible was clear.
From the book of beginnings, the very first sin,
God’s word made it clear how His grace entered in.
Born of a virgin, He’d come as a man.
The Creator among us, the time was at hand.
The stars were arranged to show marvelous things,
Setting Wise Men to journey and find the true King.
Shepherds in Bethlehem gazed on the sky,
Longing to see him, their Lord the Most High.
How could they know that the very next night
An angel of God would speak words of delight?
How the Savior was born, it was news of great joy.
In a cloth and a manger they’d find the dear boy.
And a heavenly host would soon join to sing
Of the glory of God and of wonderful things.
He entered creation, set position aside
To show us how deeply his love did abide.
Sin sent us away from our almighty Lord.
He became one of us that we might be restored.
He’s the Prince of our Peace; He’s the one who makes whole.
He is Wisdom Incarnate, a Shepherd of Souls.
He’s the Author of Life; He’s the Ruler of All.
He can offer salvation, on His name we call.
The shepherds and Wise Men would bow to adore
Holy God among men, our greatest reward.
All glory and honor is due to this King.
Let all join in worship; let every tongue sing.
Jesus is Lord, all creation proclaims.
He’s the first and last, He is always the same.
History turned on the first Christmas day,
When God became man in a humble display.
As we think of the manger in which He was laid,
Let our hearts welcome Him to the world He made!
What does Christmas mean to each of you? Presents? Lights? Giving? Spending time with family? Eating yummy food? All of these things are wonderful and good, I love them all too. But more than that I love the source of it all, our Savior Jesus Christ. His birth was indeed a humble display, and because of this, we have reason to celebrate.
Isaiah 9:6 ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.’ Our Savior grew up to become a wonderful example, a teacher, a healer, one who showed love and compassion. The effect he had on the world is permanent. He brought salvation to all men and does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Without him repentance would be futile. Jesus came to earth in the most humble experience. Even though there was no room for him at the inns I hope we can find room for him in our hearts. I am amazed at how closely Heavenly Father and Jesus watch over us. How lovingly how generous they are with their guidance. What a gift our Savior’s birth has brought us. He sees us living independent of him in a new environment away from him. He’s encouraging us and helping us even when we don’t notice. The atoning sacrifice was made by Jesus because of the love they have for us. Without our Savior we would be unable to return and experience immortal life. Resurrection should be exciting! I hope we can each remember the true meanings of Christmas in our hearts and minds and carry it with us in our lives each day.
As I read and contemplate the Christmas Story, it becomes clear to me the story of the Savior is unique. He humbled himself to come down in the most vulnerable sate. He has given so much. Is any other event in history so significant? What a treasured gift, his life, his work, his atoning sacrifice, his resurrection his gifts of peace of hope, of immortal life. President Monson said, “All that we hold dear, even our families, our friends, our joy our knowledge our testimonies would vanish were it not for our Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ…Among the most cherished thoughts and writings in the world is the divine statement of truth: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ this season, let us also celebrate all that His birth symbolizes, especially the love. When we see shepherds, may we remember to be humble. When we see wise men, may we remember to be generous.  When we see the star, may we remember the Light of Christ, which gives life and light to all things. When we see a tiny baby, may we remember to love unconditionally, with tenderness and compassion. May we open the doors to our hearts and reach out to those around us. As we contemplate the example and infinite sacrifice of the Savior, may we also consider how we can be more Christ like in our association with family and friends, not just during this season but throughout the year.
I pray that we may each be filled with the spirit and love of this Christmas season. I testify that we have a loving Heavenly Father whose plan of happiness for us is the ultimate expression of love. May we always remember that once we shouted with joy as we understood that plan. I testify that Jesus Christ, whose birth and mission we honor and celebrate, is the light of the world, our Savior and Redeemer, our hope, our anchor, and the author of our salvation. There is such great joy in this knowledge. May we all feel the Savior’s love in abundance this Christmas Season.

 Dirk finished up the program and did an amazing job. He is a natural speaker and doesn't need to write a complete talk down on paper, instead he speaks from the spirit. I really admire this trait. One that I will never have. 
I have to say all in all that is was a great experience for our family.  It really brought Christ into our home this Christmas Season.

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