Monday, February 9, 2015

A New Year, A New Attitude!

2014 has officially been over for 40 days, and I am a bit late in acknowledging the calendar change, but I feel I need to address the end and the beginning! 

I love the New Year because it is so fresh and clean! It seems like a giant piece of paper stretching as far as the eye can see, just waiting for me to write my year on it! Every year, whether I make official resolutions or not, I feel like I have a theme, a word or a thing that I just want to do for that year. And this year is no different. This year I have chosen to focus on ATTITUDE! No matter what happens, It's your attitude that matters!

Every day, we have a choice about how to see the world. We can open our eyes wide with wonder, and decide to be amazed and thankful. Or we can choose to approach life with a cynical squint: with our eyes half-closed, we see only the worst in people, circumstance, and situations. The way I see it, everyone has to go through adversity. The only difference is how you approach it. We can smile and say "Oh well" and move on, or turn everything into a woe-is-me drama. Making ever situation dramatic doesn't make it easier to deal with. This year I am going to choose to look on the bright side, because it makes life more pleasant!

We all can see life as a grand adventure, or as a huge pain in the rear. It's all up to us!

"Love is not enough; intelligence is not enough; powerful strength is not enough. You may put everything on one side of the scale, but if you are missing gratitude, you shall lose." Yogi Bhajan

Here is to a NEW YEAR with a NEW ATTITUDE!

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