Thursday, May 14, 2015

Easter Weekend

Easter Weekend started early for the girls. They headed down to Utah after school on Tuesday and didn't get home until Sunday early afternoon.  We all miss the girls when they're gone. Not only is it quieter around here, the 2 little ones tend to be lost without them.  
We had a load of bulls that needed to be hauled to Salmon so we decided to make a weekend out of it. Or at least an overnighter!
While Daddy was loading bulls and doing all the hard work in preparation for our trip, Clay, Dakota and I colored Easter eggs. They both had a lot of fun!


After lunch we headed out. We arrived in Salmon just in time for dinner. We ate at a very authentic Mexican Restaurant, where I think the littles only spilled twice!! I am certain the staff was anxious for us to leave. 
We stayed in a Bed & Breakfast 20 miles North of Salmon in North Fork. When we got there it was super dark but still decided to take the kids for a swim in the hot tub. It was kind if fun swimming by the moonlight. The next morning we woke up and ate a homemade breakfast and then took a tour of the property. Clay wanted to go fishing so Dad obliged. Although they didn't have much luck at catching anything but moss.


We still had a long trip a head of us and someone wasn't happy about leaving without taking the boat out on the water. It didn't last long though!

We ended up making a loop and dropping off more bulls in Mackay. We came out near Pocatello where we stopped to buy the girls both a surprise. We got home around 8 and had to hurry to finish chores before it was completely dark. It was nice to be home, but it was a very scenic and fun trip.

The next morning was Easter Sunday, which also happened to be General Conference. I was glad that we could attend our meeting at home in our pj's. Of course the kids were surprised when they saw that a certain bunny had come and left them goodies!


Trying out there new toys!

Home at last!!!!
I enjoy having all of my kids home. Life is not complete without everyone here.

What could there surprise be????


Daddy smoked us some ribs for dinner and we finished watching the afternoon session of conference. Then we had our family Easter Egg Hunt!

I love my family so much and feel so blessed to be able to be their momma!
I love Easter! 
From coloring eggs, to egg hunts to baskets full of goodies. 
More importantly I love it because it gives me a chance to reflect upon our Savior and his love for each and everyone of us. The gifts that he has given us are priceless. 

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