Tuesday, July 7, 2015

School Pictures and Events

Well, the 2014-2015 school year has officially come to an end!
I am so excited for summer and to have my kids home.


Both the girls played basketball and volleyball, but for some reason I could only find Jauncee's vollyball pic and Jeslyn's basketball pic. I know they have to somewhere in this tiny mess of a house, just not sure where! But they both played and did an awesome job! They are also getting a lot better than when they first started. 

At the end of the school year the Junior High and Elementary both put on a Spring Concert. 
It is always entertaining!


The elementary concert was Disney themed. Each child had the opportunity to dress up as a Disney character.

On the last day of school the elementary held their annual field day. I came to help with the event, but after about 30 minutes the field day was rained out.
I did manage to get a picture of Jauncee with her bestie Rylee, as well as the hand stand competition.

Here is to an exciting summer that is hopefully really L O N G!  Full of fun and adventure!

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