Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Rest of October

I am making every effort to get caught up and since this is my journal of sorts, I feel like I need to document a few things that happened or took place.

At the beginning of October we (Dirk, the littles and I) took a rode trip  North. We went to Dillon, Great Falls, Choteau, Valier, Missoula, and Charlo - Montana! The purpose of the trip was to see some sights and stop along the way looking at cow herds that Dirk had an interest in. The littles, looked forward to swimming at the hotel at the end of every day. I didn't take very many pictures, because really, how many can you take from a moving vehicle and every time we stopped my arms were full with a babe. We did have a good time and saw a lot of country. Our last stop was in Charlo at Coleman Angus. We spent a good amount of time there with the Coleman's. They are such awesome down to earth people. They also had some very cute kids that Clay enjoyed playing with. I would say for me that was the highlight of the trip. All of the kids were excellent travelers!

Late October also brought the planting of the garlic. One day I am going to be able to write that this was a joyous occasion...one we all anticipate. But not this year...at least not for the 2 oldest!

And of course...it wouldn't be fall without working cattle!

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