Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Annual Easter Event!

Every year my dad brands his calves on or around Easter, he usually ends up making it a 2 weekend event. This year while we were in Utah we had the fun opportunity of “helping” (more like supervising)! It is always a fun time…this year there were a lot more of us around to help/watch. The girls always enjoy helping papa and being down on the farm. It was a bit cold and breezy but the kids didn’t seem to mind. Branding calves is something we all look forward to every year…hard work and the best sand burgers ever!

My talented brother Jake had been working for weeks on end to finish the “new” corrals, he did an amazing job! I am sure the boss was pleased with the end result!

Everyone was hard at work with their very own assigned job…this year with a new hydraulic chute it made things a bit easier and freed up an arm or two for Jake! He still has the worst job…branding the calves, luckily the wind was blowing so the stench didn’t seem to linger.

My cousin Brady, he loves to come and help; he does a great job of keeping the calves a coming!

Here Jeslyn is supervising, keeping the boys on task!

Then we have Judd; what a great guy he is; he makes working fun!

I asked Jauncee what she was doing in this picture and she said “just watchin them in there!” So cute!

The kids had so much fun playing in the big dirt pile Uncle Jake brought in. It was a big hit and entertained most of them for quite some time.

Little Max, he makes such a cute little cowboy!

The Boss!

The best part always saved for last…lunch!

Thanks Dad, Mom and Jake for letting us be a part of the excitement. We really enjoy the time spent and look forward to next year!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Are you all caught up now? Cute pics. Paul is in UT right now--had dinner with everyone last night. I am so jealous.