Thursday, June 10, 2010

Calving Fun

These pictures were taken clear back in April and some how I forgot about them. That's what happens when you regularly use 2 different never know what you have taken and when you do, you're not sure with which camera. The girls had fun helping Dirk and Grandpa feed the cows this spring...they were both such good help, that is when they weren't fighting over which one got to drive!

The hair nets were part of their regular chore attire! And you can't tell by the pictures, but they always loved to help.

This was the set-up for tagging calves. Dirk had to modify it from his usual mount of a horse to a four-wheeler to accommodate his daily side kicks!

The calf cart...sure makes tagging/working with calves easy. The girls also loved to ride in it as well.

Of course, bickering over who gets the front!

Jauncee and Cupcake!

We had one calf die this year and since Cupcakes mother wasn't so super we decided to put her on the cow that lost the calf. I wish I would have gotten a picture of her udder...she had tons of milk! The task of trying to trick the mother cow is somewhat disgusting if you aren't really into it. Jeslyn didn't mind she was right in there helping to skin the dead calf as Jauncee and I observed on the fence.

And finally...

A new hide for cupcake!

Although we were able to fool the mother cow, not so much Cupcake...after a few days of locking them up together Cupcake still would not suck, so we moved the hide to another calf...Ruby, the red angus, who also had a mother with a bit of a shortage in the milk department...well, that didn't go over so well either. Ruby's mother was so mad she was running back and forth bellering all night. So grandpa had a twin we were also bottle feeding...we decided to use him hoping the hide would still be good...and it was. The mother cow now had a calf and the orphan twin now had a mother and Cupcake and Ruby are back with their original mothers...which meant no more bottle feedings.

I think us girls all miss that part!

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