Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fun School Stuff

The 1st and 2nd grade put on a Spring Concert for the community. Each of the kids had the opportunity in their music class to learn a musical instrument, they could have chosen between the guitar or the violin. Jeslyn chose the guitar. The concert was well organized and their music teacher did such a great job with all of the kids. To walk in a small auditorium and see approximately 30 students with an instrument and then sitting on the 2nd row...I thought to myself "what are we in for" but the kids all did surprisingly well and all looked like they had fun! What a great opportunity! Good job Jes, we love you!

Monsanto, which is one of the big mines here in the valley held a Safety Coloring Contest

Jeslyn won 3rd place and got $5.00. Way to go!

The school also celebrated Grandparents Day in April and each student had the opportunity to bring a Grandparent to school with them for the day. Due to extenuating circumstances Jeslyn had to have a substitute...Mr. Peterson. He is in our ward and is a really great guy. I think Jeslyn had fun with him and actually got to learn a lot about him and his era growing up.

And of course to end the school year...

a class photo!

1 comment:

Ginger said...

Cute, cute. I miss my little Jes. She is getting so big. Is that really her entire class?