Monday, October 3, 2011

24th of July

The 24th of July celebration started out early in Bacroft at the annual parade. The girls got TONS of candy! It is a typical small town parade but a fun one. The floats always go around twice so if you miss them the first time you can always catch them again. After the parade they always have a rodeo, but we opted to pass out on this one. Clay boy I am sure wouldn’t sit very well in the stands confined to our laps. So we headed for home and relaxed for a few. Later that afternoon we met up with our good friends for an afternoon of fun at Chesterfield Reservoir. It was for sure the best part of the day. I love the water and everything about it. I feel completely at home on the lake, any lake at that.

It was a perfect way to spend a beautiful summer day!

Jeslyn rockin' the tube!

Momma and Jauncee - having fun!

On a personal note – a funny little story about my cute lil booby monster. I spend most the afternoon in the water, Clay thought it to be too cold, he also hated his life vest but was a trooper anyway so he mostly hung out on the boat. On our way home from the lake I was nursing him in the back, or I was going to nurse him and he wanted to nurse but every time he got close to latch on he would scream in disgust! He would not nurse for anything even though he wanted to so bad. I couldn’t figure him out other than perhaps I smelled like lake water. It wasn’t until I had completely showered and cleaned up before he would have anything to do with me under there. I never imagined it could be that bad, but apparently it was bad enough to not want to eat! – Funny little guy!

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