Wednesday, October 26, 2011

ONE Year Old & ONE Year Cuter!

Hooray, you're ONE!
First little candle,
first little wish,
first little cake
for you to squish...
First day of many
one-year-old joys--
all for the sweetest
of one-year-old boys!

Our sweet little boy turned ONE on August 9, 2011. We celebrated his birthday a few days earlier while my parents were in town for the fair. It was awesome to have them here. They helped us out so much with the fair and with the party. I was sad their trip was so short.

This particular day was a BIG day and had been really emotional. Jeslyn had just won Grand Champion and with all the work it involved it was nice to get together with friends and family to relax a bit and enjoy the air and each others company. We made the party e-a-s-y! We, I guess I should say my sweet mother—we had dutch-oven chicken and potatoes and green salad. I ordered the cake from the local market. It turned out delicious and was a fabulous evening. We did have threatening clouds lingering all night but luckily we all stayed dry and enjoyed the evening with the birthday boy!

Oh how I love you. I love your beautiful hazel eyes. I love your smile. I love your sweet little teeth, and how they show with each smile. I love how you are hooked on your mama, but you sure love that daddy too. I think it is a toss up of whom you prefer. You adore the girls. Whenever you see them get off the bus you watch through the window in excitement and SCREAM, they can both make you laugh your little belly off. Jeslyn and Jauncee are such good sisters. They love to take you in their room or downstairs or outside and play with you for a good hour or so, which gives me a break, I always hear you laughing and having a grand ole time.

You aren’t even close to walking. You have this scoot and you are quick! Why walk when you can scoot? I don’t think you will ever crawl normal but that is okay. You are definitely your own little person full of your own ideas, which I love.

You love cell phones. You will take mine, hold it up to your ear and say “I” for Hi or Hello. But you only like real phones that light up and beep. You love the dogs especially Juke…you started saying his name so early on. I think you related Juke to outside and you love to be outside. You love to go for rides on the 4-wheeler and the tractor, but you always think you have to drive! Your hair is really curly and can be out of control at times. Your daddy thinks we need to buzz it off but I can’t, I love all the curls too much! You haven’t eaten baby food for quite some time now. You eat pretty much what we eat and are a good little eater. You have a secret love affair with hotdogs and anything sweet!

You FINALLY sleep through the night. Heaven sent I tell ya. It feels so good to sleep again. This was a long long 12 months of no sleep. You are still a booby monster, I haven’t even thought about weaning you at this point. You do take sippy cups well and seem to like milk. I am pretty sure you are the most spoiled little guy ever. You are so much fun I feel very blessed to be your mother. You make me smile every single day. Being a mother is such a neat experience, one that I love.

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