Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Congratulations Jeslyn – Grand Champion Steer!

We are proud of Jeslyn whose steer was selected as Grand Champion Steer overall at the 2011 Caribou County Fair. This is a great start to Jeslyns “showsteer career”. Jeslyn has put so much time and work into this beef project and the win is well deserved. Way to go Jeslyn!

Before I met Dirk I don’t ever really remember attending a fair to speak of. Now it is an annual event for our little family, one we hope to make a tradition. There’s just something about going to a fair that reminds me of the good things in the world. Perhaps it is the innocence in the giggles and squeals of children flying free across the sky on the once-a-year rides. Maybe it is the smells swirling in the hot sticky air, tinged with the scents of food stands and animal barns. Or perhaps the visiting of friends and family from across the state, who are like best friends, even if they do only see each other a couple times a year. For me, it’s all the families working together and watching their prized animal walk through the ring. And winning or losing, teaching important life lessons to the kids holding the halters. Whatever it is, fair time is the best time of the year for making lasting memories, and celebrating those memories made. And this year did not disappoint!

There is nothing better than showcasing your best cattle for everyone to see. In Jeslyn, it has instilled a sense of pride, responsibility and a hard work ethic that can’t be easily earned anywhere else. I am very grateful for my children having this chance. We couldn’t do this without Dirk; he has opened up a world of opportunity for all us.

The mornings started out early with many livestock fans, blowers, chutes, show halters, show boxes and grooming products in use. This is Dirk’s forte and he did not disappoint. Ceasar, Jeslyn’s steer was fit to the max and in tip top shape. I doubt any other steer could have competed with his very natural and eye appealing look. My only contribution to the project was decorating the stall…which wasn’t much and was really easy. . I seemed to walk around the grounds aimlessly, nervous with a stomach full of butterflies. I really wasn’t that confident in her or Ceasar for that matter. (Now, I am embarrassed to say that, but it is the truth.) After all, this was his first trip to town! I am very grateful for my parents and their mad dash to Idaho to support Jes that day. They both helped us all out tremendously and better than the help was getting to see their sweet faces. I have awesome parents!

The first competition was Showmanship and she was in the 6th class competing with kids around her age. I watched on as she entered the ring and after her first round, I felt a little at ease. She was doing awesome! She looked like a pro out there. I was amazed at her confidence and her big smile that adorned her face. She looked like she was having so much fun. It was an awesome moment as a parent, fan and supporter. Jeslyn ended up finishing 1st in her class and came back for the final round to compete for the Grand Prize. She placed 3rd overall which is great for her very first competition.

Next up was the Quality Show. Here they divide the classes up by weight of the steer. If I remember right she was in the 4th class with Ceasar weighing 1200 lbs. Jeslyn was definitely on top of her game that day. She showed Ceasar perfectly and with such grace. She won her class and came back for the final round to compete for Grand Champion. At this point I was so happy and pleased with her and how far she had come. I only hoped that she would do her best and be pleased with the outcome. The show barn was so hot and I was sweating. I was looking forward to the event finally coming to an end. The competition was stiff, I was thinking maybe 3rd place. Then the judge kept commenting on Ceasar and just couldn’t find anything wrong with him. I was excited at the thought of her possibly winning. Is that possible? Could that be done your very first year? After several minutes of surveying each individual he walked over to Jeslyn and shook her hand! She did it! She had won the show! Ceasar was the Grand Champion Steer competing against 47 other steers! I was so proud and burst into tears. The moment was so unbelievable and overwhelming. For a moment I don’t even think she knew she had won! I couldn’t find Dirk fast enough to put my arms around him. This was all possible thanks to him. It was such a great day, one I hope to never forget.

The next day was the auction and she was first up to sell. She looked so calm, confident and happy out there in the ring. Farm Bureau purchased her steer and after the picture she burst into tears. The reality of what was going to be happening to Ceasar set in. It was almost too much for her to bear. Luckily Farm Bureau only wanted to pay the premium so we bought him back to take to the Open Show at the Eastern Idaho State Fair. This would give Jeslyn more time with her Grand Champion!

Last week Jeslyn’s class had a writing celebration. Each student wrote a story and presented it to the class and parents. Jeslyn wrote about Ceasar, it is too cute not to share.

My Grand Champion Steer

By: Jeslyn Gillins

I’m so tense. I kept pondering to myself ever since I woke up this morning. I was thinking about something terrifying! I was going to show my steer at the Caribou County Fair!!!

If you don’t know what a steer is then I’ll tell you. A steer is a male cow that can’t be a father cow. Weird huh?

My steer’s name is Ceasar. He has a shiny black color to his fur with a little white on his bell and at the end of his tail. He has little curls on his fur and tail. When we dry him with a blow dryer his fur goes straight.

I kept repeating to myself that I wouldn’t be able to show him right. I was so nervous. Will he do it and lead right?

Will I do this right? Every few quick seconds I kept repeating to myself, “I can do this.” I endeavored to calm myself, so I concentrated on other stuff. The nasty thought kept blurting into my head. It hurt my head a lot like someone stomping on your head.

We got settled into the fair ground and I had a little bit of time to practice with Ceasar. I was excited when my grandparents arrived to watch me show my steer. Finally, my mother got there and we groomed Ceasar before the show.

I was excited and fearful as the judge started to look at Ceasar. I was excited at the end of the shoe because I got first place in my class for showmanship. With all the kids together I got third place overall. I also got first place in the look of my steer for my class. The most exciting part of all the judging was the last show with the big kids because I won Grand Champion!

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