Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Day of School

My sweet girls on the first day of school.

I am still obviously playing catch-up…they have since finished the first term! And both of them did fantastically well. Jeslyn wrote us parents a cute note that said “I hope my work impressed you. 4th grade has been terrific! I’ve learned about similes, paragraphs, compound sentences, and suffixes, prefixes and vocabulary. Don’t worry I’ve learned a lot more, but I just can’t name it all. Love, Jes” It was very cute. I am proud of both my girls they love school, have tons of homework, but they never complain. I sure love these two!

I need to add that Jauncee is very picky about her hair and that day she did NOT want anything frilly or fancy...just curled and left alone. It was cute. I just prefer their hair out of their face. But what do you do when you have a strong willed one on your hands at 6:00 am?

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