Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pebble Creek Canyon

One hot summer day we met our good frends for a picnic up Pebble Creek Canyon. After lunch we ventured up the mountain trail and wandered upon a spring. Of course the kids begged to soak their feet, Clay even wanted in on the action until he realized how cold the water was. So he and Coy opted to play in the dirt instead.

The next 2 photos are kind of blurry but funny. I was trying to take a picture of the boys playing and Clay was being a ham and wanted all the attention....posing and saying CHEESE, over and over! It was too cute!

The girls had a lot of fun playing in the water. We had a hard time getting them to leave, but Jessica and I were getting swarmed by a bat and so we wanted out of there.

Minus the bat...It was a fun way to spend the afternoon!

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