Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fun at the Fair

Fair week, is looked forward to in our family with great anticipation. Not sure why, it is more work than play but a lot of fun in the process.
I didn't grow up going to the county fair so the scene is all realtively new for me. I really enjoy it and am glad Dirk has introuduced us to this "new" form of fun! A family tradition!
For the past year, Jeslyn has been taking care of not 1 steer but 2! She has fed them and worked with them daily.  Jeslyn gets quite attached to her steer(s) by summers end.
The steer project is one that takes many months of hard work and dedication.
This year the fair started for us early Wednesday morning with the weigh-in and the setting-up of the stall and all the equipment needed to fit the steer. Competitions didn't begin until Thursday. Jeslyn, with Dirks help, was able to get Thunder and Spud settled nicely. She even got to practice in the show ring.
Later that evening we met up with my sweet dad, who came to support Jeslyn. We all grabbed a greasy bite to eat and then enjoyed the PRCA Rodeo that evening.
 Here is Clayboy, sitting so patiently waiting for it to start.

After the rodeo we all head for home. Rest would be a good thing for all of us, especially Jeslyn.
The next day was Show Day. Jeslyn and Dirk got up and headed out at 5:00 in the morning to get Thunder chored, washed and fancied up before the show.
Extensive grooming and clipping is done in order to present the steer in the best possible light to the judge. The judge typically looks for steers with good thickness and balance, and one that stands up well on his feet.
Thunder did not disappoint, he looked like a million bucks!

Someone looks a little nervous, maybe tired too!

 Waiting for the show to start!
This little guy was not happy this day. I was relieved when he fell asleep in the stoller for the enitre competition. Thank heavens!
Total number of steers showing that day: 31.

The showmanship competition was first and Jeslyn was in Junior Class 1. Classes are based on the number of entries, & divided according to age. Exhibitors are judged on how well they exhibit and show their steer. Each exhibitor parades around the ring while the judge evaluates them. Then they are required to line up and set the steer up.

Here Jeslyn is coming into the ring. She was super nervous!


Jeslyn ended up 3rd in her class. She did good, but not great! I think that first time in the ring is always a bit scary and intimidating for her.
Next up was the quality competition. Jeslyn competed in Class 2. These classes are based on the weight of the animal. Exhibitors are judged on the quality of their animal by an experienced judge, who tries to estimate which one will yield the highest quality of lean meat. Every judge has their own opinion and eye appeal. However, there are a few tips and steps one can take to ensure his animal looks the very best.
In this event, Jeslyn was spot on!

She set-up Thunder right every time & kept eye contact with the judge.
Jeslyn took 1st in her class and competed in the final round for Grand Champion. Jeslyn did very well and did not miss a beat! She ended up 3rd overall! She lost to 2 heavy-weight steers. She was a little disappointed, but quickly embraced the outcome...wishing the winners a congratualtions!

We as parents are very proud of Jeslyn, her hard work and dedication!

Friday morning was the Market Animal Sale, where all animal projects are sold in an auction setting to the highest bidder. Soda Springs Animal Clinic purchased Thunder. It was an emtional day for Jeslyn...she was very attached.

Saturday morning they had the Ultrasound Jackpot. Which is the scanning of the carcass where actual measurements are taken of the weight, muscle & fat to determine quality and amount of meat which can be harvested from the meat animals. Each steer was evaluated for percent of muscle as well as USDA quality grade. Thunder, Jeslyn's steer, was the only steer to test at the High Choice Grade, actually only 2 other steers tested at a low grade choice and the remaining steers all graded Select, including the Grand Champion and the Reserve Champion. Jeslyn won the jackpot and $25.00.
It was a good win!

Later that day, came the time to say goodbye!
This was very difficult for Jeslyn, she was in tears and didn't leave his side until he was loaded on the trailer. Jes has a good heart! It is important for her to learn the connection of agriculture to food.
I am grateful for the opportunity Jeslyn has to participate in this 4-H event. She has learned responsibility, and a great deal of it.
Jeslyn has been able to take ownership of her steer project and can be proud of her accomplishment and the end goal which she acheived.

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