Wednesday, October 3, 2012

August - Birthdays

The month of August in our household is FULL of Birthdays!
August 9th, we celebrated Clay turning TWO!
Two's such a special birthday for the happy times it brings,
'Cause two means
he's a big boy now
and learning brand-new things!
There are moments when I can't believe that he's been in our lives for two whole years already. Then, there are moments when I feel like he's always been with us. There are moments when he still looks like a baby. Then, there are (increasingly more) moments when he looks like such a big boy. Those 4 sentences couldn't have been more clich. Sorry.
The week prior to his birthday, I kept telling him that someone was going to have a birthday...with cake, presents & balloons. (Due to the helium shortage nationwide, I had a really hard time making good on that promise, but in the end, I was able to...phew!)I knew he wouldn't really know it was his brithday, so I was trying to get him all excited and hyped up about it. He definitely was for sure.
This kid is tractor crazy!
So naturally, it was an "All Things John Deer Birthday Party" from the cake, to the plates, napkins, cups and color coordinated balloons. And yes, I did make the cake!

Once he saw the cake, he wanted to dig right in! He does have a sweet tooth.
Waiting to get this party started, with his new-found buddy/cousin Brandon!

This little boy is so much fun. He has such a personality. I can hardly believe all the skills he has eating perfectly with a spork (fork & spoon).

He also speaks in sentences and to date is the fastest talking kid yet!
He has a lot to say and doesn't want the girls saying it for him! :)

The party turned out to be a huge success! And the dutch-oven by Dirk was delightful!

Look at all those presents!

He LOVES his daddy and waits for him to get home so he can go out and help him!


He couldn't wait to get in the house and play with all his loot!

Jeslyn's gift to Clay was a ride on Pinto Bean, which took place the very next day.


This little boy is definitely a questing individual, with a mind of his own. We are all so blessed to have him in our family.
The next Birthday for the month....JESLYN, she turned 11! What, Eleven? ! ?
Jeslyn had a week full of birthday starting with Thursday when she had not one, but two friends stay over for the night and to play the entire next day! A 24 hour camping excursion, a weenie roast and lastly her actual birth-date celebration! Which are when the following pictures are from!

Jeslyn's birthday fell on a Sunday this year, traditionally on Sundays we eat with Grandpa and Grandma Johnson! The same held true this day. Here the Birthday Girs is helping to make her favorite...chicken pillows!

The cake! At her request. Also made by momma, with love!
The one thing she was adamant about...she wanted to be the only one who blew out her candles. She wanted no help!

Later that evening she opened her presents.

I am certain she got everything she ever wanted! :)

Jeslyn is such a sweet girl. I can tell we are in the "tween" stages, but with a little help (gentle reminder), her emotions are manageable. She is very smart and is a great big sister!
Jeslyn has a beautiful testimony of the gospel, her faith and desire to "be", make me proud as her mother. I love her more than words could ever say!
And lastly, we celebrated Dirk and Grandma Johnson!

With a barbeque, where once again Chef Dirk qued up the meat! I prepared the rest with a contribution of Terry's famous dutch-oven potatoes made by Annette on the stove =) Terry got busy farming...we'll let him off the hook this one time!

Another cake, Lemon Creme Angel Food Cake, also made by Mwa, with love!
All this cake baking, I should be a pro but now!

There is so much to say about this guy!
Dirk is my favorite person in the whole world!
The one person I never tire of. And the only person I crave to be with daily!
My favorite time of when we get to be together.

I love how selfless Dirk is, ---he sacrifices a lot for our family!
Dirk is an easy person to get along with...and likes almost everyone.
And everyone likes Dirk. Everyone!
Dirk is a very even tempered, calm, happy guy.
I love him so much.
I hope to have him forever...and eternity!
These next few pix are from the little man who insisted on taking pictures. He did a rather good job considering they all were point and shoot pix!


I have to add...for the entire next month Clay would sing the Happy Birthday Song daily. It was and funny. He is definitley versed in birthdays!

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