Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jauncee's Birthday

Jauncee's birthday started out early wiht a 7:30 am basketball game for Jes. As usual the brithday girl was spry and ready to go. Out of the three kids, she is by far the easiest to wake up, and she always wakes up happy! Which is wonderful for momma. Jauncee wanted to start the morning out with a gift but we just didn't have time. I think there is a lot of fun in the anticipation of waiting...the girls would beg to differ. After the basketball games we headed home. Jauncee couldn't take the suspense any longer. So of course she had to open a present.

And then another one!

And another one!

Clay had to get in on all the excitement and opened her very last one!
She didn't seem to mind.

After opening all her presents we headed over to the Grace City Park where Santa was coming to visit for the afternoon. It was a really beautiful day! Santa rode in on top of the fire truck with "Here Comes Santa" playing in the background.  It was a grand entrance. Surprisingly we got there early so we didn't have to wait in line very long.
Jauncee asking for a "Just Like Me - American Doll"
And Clay...
he jumped right up on Santa's lap and asked him for a combine! Once his turn was over he started walking away, then turned arond to say 'See ya Santa, thank you!" It was too cute for words.
And Jeslyn...well...
she thought she was too old...but mom insisted anyway!
After the park, we headed home and all the kids got dressed into their warm snow clothes.

While outside, they got our tree trimmed and in the stand, all ready to come in the house.

It did take all 4 of my loves!

And the boss telling us all how to do it.
Our Christmas Tree!
Courtesy of Dirk and Jauncee who spent the afternoon the day prior looking for this bad boy up behind our house. I think it was a good find.
Then onto sledding!

Time flies when you're having fun. Which is what they all thought.

Next on the schedule was a birthday dinner celebrating Jauncee and Grandpa Johnson!
We all needed to get ready and to ice the cake.

She didn't really lick it...but sure wanted to!

Happy Birthday Grandpa and Jauncee!


Phew! It was a full day filled with lots of fun and celebrating!
Happy Birthday Jauncee--we love you! 

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