Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Random /Catching Up

These picture are just too cute to leave out of the annual blog book!

Being a mom is one of the best things ever! 
I love all my kiddos so very much!

Life would be so boring without all the simple, but precious moments.

Another blog-book worthy moment!
I was asked to participate in a week night Relief Society meeting. It was really fun, but scary. I have fear of anything to do with public speaking! I dreaded this night for the entire 2 weeks I knew about it.  The theme was "Count Your Many Purses" a reflection of where we all are in our own individual lives and our own "purse"onal journey. I was to talk about my own purse and what stage I am in. Here is the talk I gave. I did use props. 

If you are anything like me, your purse is probably full of all the things you need for each day. There are the staples—your wallet, hairbrush, cell phone, pen and paper—and then there are those items that you need for the phase of life you are in. Right now, my diaper bag doubles as my purse, housing not only my wallet, but the essentials I need daily, which are: diapers, wipes, and a changing pad. And then there are those items that I carry around with me that are so unnecessary. I think I do this in life too. I get up and pop in my bag a lot of unnecessary things that I don’t need to be carrying around with me throughout the day. So I decided to clean my diaper bag out and stick with the basics. I also chose to add a few additional items that will help me to lighten my load, be a better mother and to give me a gentle reminder of who I want to be. In addition to the basics, the items I chose are: 
Lotion: I need to be reminded to put a little softness into my day when I react to situations with my children.
Baby blanket: I need to be reminded to wrap my children up with love.
Blocks: I need to remember to give my children the building blocks of character that they will need throughout life. Honesty, Integrity, Obedience, Responsibility, and Respect.
Photo album: Remember that I am making memories daily.
Outfit/change of clothes: Can remind me to clothe my child in prayer. And to always pray daily for them. I am certain nothing will fit better or be more in season. And there is so much to pray about.
Church book of some sort: To remind me to make the gospel prominent in my child’s life.
Nursing cover: to remind me to safeguard my children not only physically, but also spiritually.
Clorox Pen: to remind me to white out all those black marks. Teaching my kids repentance daily.
And last but not least…Stickers: to remind myself that parenting is a reward and to enjoy my role as a mother.
My diaper bag represents being prepared for the inevitable, my willingness to have a family, putting my family first, sacrifice, recognizing that that I am a partner with my Heavenly Father. I am grateful for the opportunity to have children and my “diaper bag”. This is currently my season of life; my purse-suit of happiness.

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