Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Muttin' Bustin'

The one thing on my lil cowboy's bucket list for the summer was to ride a sheep in a rodeo.
He was so serious about it that he asked his daddy to help him practice on one of the show-lambs.
I don't think he was ready or holding on tight enough. The second jump and turn the lamb made he bit the dust and hit his head right on the post! He cried for a split second then sent my in for his bike helmet and got back on. This time he held on tight and made a good ride. He was happy and ready for the upcoming rodeo.


The rodeo we attended was in McCammon and the Muttin'Bustin' event was prior to the rodeo starting. We arrived about a hour and a half early. I dropped off Daddy and Clay at the arena so they could get him entered while I found a parking spot. Once Jeslyn, Dakota and I got back to the rodeo grounds I called the boys to find out when he would be ridding. It just so happened that to ride a sheep you had to sign up at the City Hall which was a few blocks away and by the time they had gotten there, they already closed the books with a total of 20 entries. He was #21, and a little too late. The poor little guys heart was broken. In an attempt to make it better, his daddy took him over behind the chutes to watch the action taking place. I think it cheered him up some, but not completely.

As an intermission to the rodeo they held a stick horse race event for the kids in age groups. Clay decided that he wanted to participate.  He didn't win, but despite his facial expressions, I think he did have fun.


After the McCammom Rodeo, we still had 2 possible venues where he could Muttin Bust...the Bancroft Rodeo on the 24th of July and the Fair. Clay had a very optimistic outlook and talked about it almost daily.
We ended up getting the short end of the stick...they didn't have Muttin Bustin at the rodeo in Bancroft and the fair sheep riding event required that you be 5 to 8 years of age. He was still 4 for another 2 weeks!
His dream of Muttin' Bustin' this summer was postponed til next year. But on the bright side he should be bigger and stronger!

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