Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Welcome To The World! - Tanna

Finally...#5, the Caboose...made her debut!
Tanna Jill Johnson was born on Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 at 2:03 pm. 
She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz.  and was 20 inches long. 
I was 41 weeks. I did make it through the fair, which was what we were hoping for. 
Tanna was born with a ton of black hair, the most out of all of my children. 
It was a very special day and bittersweet!  Knowing this was going to be my last, I enjoyed and savored every last minute, including every pain and push! I really enjoy being pregnant as well as going through the labor and delivery. It is such an intimate experience and I am so grateful that I was able to experience it one last time with the love my life! The staff at Caribou Memorial was amazing and made the experience even more special, if that is possible.
The pregnancy was physically really easy. I had very little morning sickness. I gained the least amount of weight. I didn't retain any water or swell up at all. And I lost all of the pregnancy weight within 2 weeks! Everything about it physically was easy! On the flip side...
I do have to admit that this was the most emotional pregnancy I have had. It was super super hard! Especially the last 20 weeks. Not for all the reasons most people would think. It was more a battle with myself. There were times I wasn't sure I was going to make it through! 

March for me proves to be a very difficult month! For a lot of reasons. One being baby issues!
This was when I found out that I could possibly be having a baby with Down Syndrome. I was devastated! I cried and cried and cried some more. I spent days  mourning a healthy baby that I knew I wasn't going to have. I convinced myself that this was my fate. Not that having a baby with special needs is the end of the world. It was more my insecurities and feeling unfit and unqualified to care for one of God's chosen ones!

I did find peace through prayer which inspired me to read The Book of Mormon. I decided to challenge myself to read it in 30 days. I set the goal and read 18 pages a day.I didn't receive any instant miracles. I did however,  have peace and comfort the remainder of my pregnancy. I knew that whatever was going to happen was God's will and he would help me through. Not only did I receive peace and comfort but my testimony grew leaps and bounds as well as my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus. For this I am eternally grateful.

Tanna is a healthy and happy baby! She is loved by our entire family. To us, she is perfect! We may have more to overcome but we will take it all one day at a time.

I am so lucky to have 5 beautiful children entrusted in my care.
Being a mom is one of the greatest gifts ever!

5am Selfie

1 pm selfie...just waiting


Jeslyn was gone to Girls Camp, so she missed out on coming to the hospital. I sure missed having her there and our family complete.

I need to thank my wonderful mom for coming up and staying with us for almost 10 days. To her, it probably seemed like forever, and for us, not long enough! We were so lucky to have her here for the longest time she has ever been away from home! It was so nice to have help with kids, someone to clean my house, cook meals, and keep us all company. 

Enjoying their gifts from baby Tanna.

Clay can't seem to get enough of Tanna. He LOVES to hold her and be by her. He is such a big helper! He is going to be one GREAT big brother. 

Friday afternoon Jeslyn finally got home. 
She instantly fell in love!

Tanna's hair has recently started standing straight up! It doesn't matter what you do.


Tanna is such a sweet baby. I am so glad she chose to come to our  family. 
FIVE kids sounds overwhelming, but I wouldn't want it any other way!

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