Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Christmas in Holden

Since the girls spent Thanksgiving with their dads, they both missed being At Grandma Jill's and Papa's so they begged and begged for us to spend part of Christmas break in Holden. I was glad to oblige!
When we got there the kids had presents just waiting for them to open! 
While there, we celebrated New Years, played late night games, had a sleepover with cousins, ate lots of good food and relaxed! We always look forward to going to Holden and the time there seems to fly by. Especially when the next anticipated trip isn't until summer ---Boo!
We did make the most of every second there and always look forward to next time!


While we were there I decided that I needed a little bit of help cutting Tanna's hair. It was so long on the top and out of control.


Apparently I didn't get an after picture, but it was much better.

A trip to Holden wouldn't be complete without seeing this sweet boy!

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