Saturday, December 31, 2011


Our family had a wonderful Christmas this year! It started out the Eve of Christmas Eve. We went to a community Christmas Party held at the church. The primary kids presented the nativity story. Jeslyn was the star and Jauncee was an angel. Both parts were last minute due to the fact that we all were out of town the Sunday before when they assigned parts. I think they were glad they still got to be a part of it. Prior to the program they served soup in bread bowls and of course dessert. After the program, a special visitor game--SANTA! Clay was not a big fan of Jolly Ol Saint Nick! During the program Clay was wandering out in the hallway and went into one of the rooms and you know who just happened to be hiding out in there. Well, it surprised and scared our little man to say the least!

Christmas Eve

The girls, Clay and I went to the matinee movie, Arthur Christmas it was fun and entertaining. Later that night we went to Dirk's parents and had dinner with them. Prior to bed the kids each got to open one present. Surprise, pajamas! We had plans to watch the movie Joy To the World, but the DVD player just wasn't working right. The girls set out cookies and milk for Santa, and wrote him a little note, then retired off to bed. They were both really excited!

We actually had 3 Christmas trees. A fir, a cedar and a dormant/dead quake type tree. I loved all 3 of them. The girls like the quake, which was the carousel.

Christmas Day

As a family we all agreed that we would get up and attend Church prior to opening any gifts. The girls weren't ecstatic about it but they both willingly agreed. It proved to be the perfect way to celebrate Christmas! (In fact, I wish it is something we could do every year.) Sacrament meeting was beautiful and very spiritual. I was touched by the program and the spirit was so strong.

Clay Boy, however, ventured in the "off-limits" living room and headed right toward his stocking. It was really cute, the girls hardly found it to be fair.

My cute kids after church!

Santa must have came! He even wrote the girls back!

After we got home, Dirk and I tried to drag it out as long as we could before allowing them to open up any presents. A tradition both our parents were famous for!

Finally! At about 12:30 we started opening gifts!

I think each kid got everything on their list! They must have been good.

Once Clay opened up his tractor, he was done! That was all he needed.

Jeslyn got the American doll Kaya and Jauncee got Kanani.

After we finished opening up all our gifts, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Johnsons for dinner and more celebrating!

Dirk cooked this amazing prime rib for dinner. It was so tender and delightful.

After dinner we all opened up more presents and sat around enjoying each others company.

It was the best Christmas ever! And all of us were spoiled. I know I definitley was with a new laptop, dishwasher, robe and gift certificate for 2 pairs of Silver jeans!

But none of us will forget that Jesus is the real reason for the season!

The gift of Christmas isn't wrapped up in presents or parties. The gift of Christmas is Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, the Son of God. As you follow Him, you put people first. You may spend less time in lines and more time serving others. You may spend less money on - and more time with - the people you love. You may lose yourself and you may find everything else that matters.

I am so grateful for our loving Savior and for all the blessings that we receive because of him. I love my family so much and am truly blessed.

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